
Showing posts from 2020

Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle Book Review

 Hi guys!  Today I will be sharing a book review of my most recent read, Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle.  Let me start off by saying that this was the perfect Christmas-y read and it made me feel all warm inside and I loved it. The book is essentially a collection of three holiday contemporary romance stories and I loved each of them in their uniqueness. I thought that all of the authors played really well with one another and I absolutely loved how the stories were intertwined. The fact that it takes place in the middle of a big snowstorm was spectacular because that is a really big part of Christmas and being in the Christmas spirit for me because of where I live (it snows A LOT). I loved the whole different cast of characters and there was so many diverse personalities. For instance, the difference between JP and Addie is a huge gap but she still picked up on his speech even though she didn't really know him. I loved all the differences a...

The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek by Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal Review

 Hi guys,  I'm back within a matter of days surprisingly, and this time I have a book review. This is my review for The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek. I will have a marked spoiler and non-spoiler section so lets get into it and pay attention. NON-SPOILER: I'm gonna be completely honest, when I first started reading this book I did not know that I would like it and I wasn't even sure what it was about. The first couple of chapters bored me in a sort of way but I am so glad I pushed through. I originally started reading this for Halloween which I gotta say is a great move to make. It is the perfect Halloween book, especially for someone who doesn't typically like horror or even just spookier reads.  I loved the trio of best-friendships and the inclusion of Ben, the boy named after the authors' long-lost other best friend from childhood who passed away young. The town community itself was an interesting dynamic to witness. I live in a small town and definitely understand ...

Books I Want to Read While on Winter Break

 Hi guys, So glad to be back and sorry for not posting in such a long time. During this break time I hope to do a lot more work on this blog and get done more book reviews. But now I thought that I would list out some of the books that I wanted to get done over my winter break from college. One good thing that came out of this pandemic was a longer winter break, I ended up getting nearly 7 weeks off from school which is more than before when it was usually a month. During this time I want to get done a lot of my reading goals and write reviews and put out more content for you guys. Then hopefully when I go back I can be in a routine and get more stuff out even in my busy school life. Well here we go, these are the books that I wanna get done during this time off. The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek by Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal Now I am actually halfway through this book. Which granted isn't very far considering the fact that I started it a few days before Halloween, but hey, finals...

Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman Book Review

 Hi guys, It's good to be back reading and writing again. Today I'll be sharing my review for Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman, book 2 in his Arc of a Scythe series.  I get it. I completely get the hype surrounding this whole series. I really, really liked Scythe and went into this book expecting to enjoy it, but I fell in love. If you have seen my previous posts you'll know that it took me a long time to read this book. Like a LONG TIME. I can give the excuses of classes and work and everything else going on in my life, but today I really took the time, sat down and just ... read. And that's what we all love to do right? I was in a very depressed state today and by the end of this book, it completely changed it around. When I say I just finished it, I mean JUST finished it. While on a video call reading date with my boyfriend, only having the ability to gasp and show him looks of shock on my face every ten pages or so, this book was a whirlwind.  I spent the entirety of ...

YA Halloween Reads 2020

Hi guys!  I know, I know, I said I would be back to a normal posting schedule and be more on top of things, however school is definitely just crazy. Being in college during a pandemic really doesn't give me a lot of time or energy to do anything else but school. With that being said, I'm on here anyways. Since it is officially October, that means it is SPOOKY SEASON . As this is a lot of people's favorite time of year I wanted to share with you guys a list of books to read this October that will get you in that spooky mood.  So let's get to it. 1. Clown in a Cornfield by Adam Cesare I have heard a great amount of hype surrounding this book and it definitely is perfect for Halloween time. The story is based in a town called Kettle Springs where the adults and kids are divided and at odds. The adults want to bring Kettle Springs back to it's former glory after the corn syrup factory shut down and the kids just wanna get out of the town and have fun. Everything changes...

Life Update and What I Want to Read ASAP

Hi guys, I know I haven't posted in a while and that is my own fault. I got promoted at work and now work full-time in a management position so I have not recently had the time to post on here. But I promise I will be trying to post more! And I am here. The other downfall to getting promoted is that I have had a lot less time to read and I honestly have not read in a really long time. I have not finished the list of books that I wanted to read so I am going to adjust my TBR for what I wanna read for the rest of August just to make it easier with work and also moving back into school. So here we go... This is what I am planning to read in the month of August. 1. Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman I actually have started this book but ever since getting promoted I haven't picked it back up. My plan is to definitely finish it this month as well as get a review out for it! 2. Again, but Better by Christine Riccio The reason I put this on my TBR list for the month o...

Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag

Hi guys! Today I will be doing the Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag. The number of people who I have seen do this tag has been way too many before I finally got myself to do it after being tagged. Thank you to Nikki Swift Reads  for the tag and I am so glad to finally be getting to this! Go check out her tag by clicking on the hyperlink listed before. Let's get right into the tag! How much have you read? Honestly I have not been reading as much as I wanted to this year and I know my Goodreads isn't accurate because I have been doing a good amount of rereads this year and Goodreads doesn't count those. I think I've read about 15 books total this year which is a lot less than I wanted to but college got really busy and I didn't have the time or energy to read much during school. Best book you've read so far in 2020? Probably my favorite book of this year was Save the Date by Morgan Matson . It was honestly the exact book I needed at the time I rea...

Meet Cute : Some People Are Destined to Meet - Book Review

Hi guys! Today I will be reviewing Meet Cute which is, if you don't know, a book that is a collection of short stories of "meet cutes" which really just means like how a relationship begins. Tons of different amazing authors contributed stories to this anthology so here is the list of their names. Jennifer L. Armentrout Dhonielle Clayton Katie Cotugno Jocelyn Davies Huntley Fitzpatrick Nina LaCour Emery Lord Katherine McGee Kass Morgan Julie Murphy Meredith Russo Sara Shepard Nicola Yoon Ibi Zoboi So as you can see, there are so many amazing people that wrote these stories.  First I wanna say that I thought that the idea for this was a really cute one. It was unbelievably original and I am so happy that I picked it up. I love that fluffy good feeling with contemporary romances and although these were just the "meet cutes" and not the relationship itself, the majority of the stories still gave me that feeling inside.  When I first st...

Behind the Blogger Tag

Hi guys! Today I will be sharing a tag that I was recently tagged in by Cozy With Books  . I'm so excited that I was tagged in another one of these because they are so much fun and thank you so much to Esther over at Cozy With Books for tagging me! Rules:   1. Thank the person who nominated you   2. Answer all the questions down below   3. Pingback to the creator: Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx   4. Nominate 5+ bloggers youā€™d like to know more about, to do this tag Why did you start blogging? Why have you kept blogging? I started blogging many years ago and to be completely honest I don't remember why. I just thought it was cool and interesting and I could have never made a booktube so I thought this was another thing similar that I would be able to share my love of books with other people. I stopped blogging at the end of 2018 for mental health reasons and just recently I have been back! I just really missed this community and sharing books that I read and...

Mystery Blogger Award

Hello everyone! Today I will be doing a book blogger tag! I was tagged by Chelsea over at BooksTunes  so you guys should definitely go over and check out her blog. This tag was created by Okoto Enigma as a way to find and promote bloggers who may have not been discovered yet. This is why I am so happy to have been tagged in this amazing idea of a tag because I am all about supporting and promoting fellow bloggers!  The Rules 1. Put the award logo/image on your blog 2. List the rules 3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog. 4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well 5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself 6. You have to nominate 10-20 people 7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog. 8. Answer the questions by the person who nominated you 9. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify) 10. Share a link to your best post(s) Three Things About Me 1. I'm a ...

Finding Time to Read

Hi guys, Today I will not only be sharing with you the struggles of finding time to read while you're working a lot but also the book that I am currently reading! So I went back to work only about a week ago and since then I have had a lot of shifts scheduled which is actually great. It is what I wanted and I'm gonna be able to make some money after not having a job for so long during this time and be able to save that for when I finally go back to school. The only downside to going back to work and having all this time taken from you for that is that I haven't been able to read as much as I wanted to. So currently I'm reading Meet Cute, which is a book of short stories made by many many authors about meet cute stories and it really should be a quick read. They are just short stories and it isn't a long book whatsoever so I should have finished it right? Wrong. I'm only a third of the way through and I've been reading it for about a week now. This i...

My June TBR

Hello everybody!! I am so excited to be talking to you guys once again and today I wanted to share what my June TBR is since June is just next week and the summer months have always been when I get the most reading done! Now I will say that I just got the call to go back into work so these goals may not be accomplished due to that but still I want to set my goal a little higher in hopes that I push myself to succeed! So let's get started.... 1. Meet Cute by A Collection of Authors As this book is written by a large collection of authors contributing their own stories I thought it best to let you guys read them in the picture of the cover rather than try in writing them all out. But really I hope this book is just a fluffy, easy-to-read, feel good book that gives me those butterflies on a warm day. 2. Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman I'm really excited to read this book because I really enjoyed Scythe, the first book in this series and I know that many people lo...

Save the Date by Morgan Matson Review

Hi guys! I am very excited to be sharing my review for Save the Date by Morgan Matson! RATING: 4.5 out of 5 Yellow Roses So if you guys don't know I got this book a while ago, like for my seventeenth birthday a while ago. And I finally found the perfect time for me to read it which was this nice spring/summery time here in New England and let me just say IT WAS THE PERFECT TIME TO READ IT! It was exactly what I needed, circulating around a spring wedding how could it not be filled with that fluffy goodness that I crave for these times, especially now. Speaking of New England, the fact that it was set in Connecticut made me so happy because the mention of towns and cities like Boston that I am uber familiar with just made me more connected to the story. I loved the fact that basically the whole book took place in the span of 3 days and in those three days everything that could have gone wrong for a wedding did. And even with all these mishaps I still couldn't help lov...

Funny Book Lover Memes

Hey guys, It has obviously been a long time since I've done one of these but I know that they are incredibly well-loved so I thought I would do one today! Let's get into it. 1. This one seemed just perfect for the time we are in. 2. This one instantly caught my eye because of how cute, funny and relatable it is. 3.  I feel personally attacked by this one. 4. This is definitely one of the things that my boyfriend is doing now that I've gotten him more invested in reading. 5. No one needs that much negativity in their life. Ignore it everyone. 6. True. Well I hope you guys liked this little post of some funny book memes to keep those spirits up. Be sure to leave a comment down below in case you liked them and want to chat! Thanks for reading, Delaney M.

Currently Reading

Hi guys, Today I will be sharing with you the book that I am currently reading! And the book is... I'm already halfway through this book and absolutely loving it. It is really the book that I needed in my life right now. Even though everything seems to be going wrong with this wedding, it still is an amazingly happy book and the perfect summer read! I love the main character and the aspect of uncertainty going to college. It is really an amazing book and I love the concept and the execution. So excited to write the review for this one once I finish it which will hopefully be soon! Thanks for reading! Delaney M.

Most Anticipated YA Book Summer Releases Part 2!

Hey guys, Clearly I missed too many anticipated YA books that are being released this summer and I am so ashamed, so to rectify it, Im gonna be doing a part two. This is also a plus because I saw that a lot of you guys really enjoyed the last one! So let's get into it... 1. Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer Release Date: August 4th, 2020 This one is the probably the biggest and hypest one on the list that I happened to leave out thinking, stupid me, that it was being released in the fall like in late September??? Clearly that is not the case as it is being released on August 4th of this year and really this is one of the most anticipated books ever. This is, if you don't know if you do just skip this part, Stephanie Meyer told all of her Twihard fans that this was going to be released after Breaking Dawn. But then it just never happened. It just wasn't released and nobody heard anything about it. NOW! After 12 years of waiting after the end of Breaking Dawn, th...

Cursed by Thomas Wheeler (Illustrated by Frank Miller)

Hey guys, Today I will be reviewing Cursed which is written by Thomas Wheeler and illustrated by Frank Miller. So this was a very highly anticipated book for 2019 and I actually got it for Christmas this last year. If you don't know, Cursed is essentially a King Arthur retelling and it is speckled with illustrations by famous Frank Miller who is most known for his Batman comics. Additionally you've probably heard of Thomas Wheeler who is known for his screenplays originally. This book lived up to the height and it was definitely a page turner. The plot twists were well-done and although sometimes not mind-blowing, still got me to keep reading past the time that I wanted to. Firstly, I did enjoy how each character really played a part and everything was thoughtful. Some of the characters however somewhat annoyed me. Even namely the main character, I didn't really connect with Nimue but I understood her decisions and her storyline. Secondly, the plot was really interes...

Most Anticipated YA Releases of Summer 2020

Hey guys, Today I will be sharing with you the most anticipated young adult books that are being released between now until the end of summer essentially. Now not all of these books are ones that I, personally, are highly anticipating but are ones that are generally very anticipated within our community. Let's get into it 1. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins Release Date: May 19th, 2020 Of course, this prequel to the forever popular and innovating Hunger Games trilogy just had to be on this list. In both a surprising and sort of unsurprising way, this book kinda flew under my radar for a while. I never exactly got into the Hunger Games when everyone else did back like 10 years ago although I read the first one and was very interested. However, the news of this prequel eluded me for quite a while. As someone active in the YA book community, that's surprising, but with dealing with school and relationships and mental health lately I guess I haven...