Finding Time to Read

Hi guys,

Today I will not only be sharing with you the struggles of finding time to read while you're working a lot but also the book that I am currently reading!

So I went back to work only about a week ago and since then I have had a lot of shifts scheduled which is actually great. It is what I wanted and I'm gonna be able to make some money after not having a job for so long during this time and be able to save that for when I finally go back to school. The only downside to going back to work and having all this time taken from you for that is that I haven't been able to read as much as I wanted to.
So currently I'm reading Meet Cute,

which is a book of short stories made by many many authors about meet cute stories and it really should be a quick read. They are just short stories and it isn't a long book whatsoever so I should have finished it right? Wrong. I'm only a third of the way through and I've been reading it for about a week now. This isn't exactly like me during the summer, typically I read books really quickly especially those that are "romance-y" and soft but I just haven't found the time in my life to actually read a lot of it.
This is my solution to getting more reading done when you are working a lot and I hope this helps some other people too.

1. Read during breaks at work

So I used to do this every day, and I tend to bring my book to work every day for this very reason, but somehow I haven't been able to push myself to do this. Typically I make excuses like "Oh I should probably just relax and eat a snack instead" or "there isn't enough time to read enough to be worth it" WHICH IS NOT TRUE! Even a couple minutes of reading is always worth it if its something you enjoy so just do it! Even if its just a few pages.

2. Read before bed

Again, I used to do this all the time but lately since I have been so exhausted after work I typically want my mind to relax and just watch a mindless video or do absolutely nothing. Thinking about this, I know it is not good and that I should actually stretch my mind a bit and watching videos before bed may inhibit my sleep which is already not very good.

3. Take a bath and read (or even in the shower!)

This is one of my favorite past-times. I actually love taking baths or just soaking in my jacuzzi and I always bring a book with me. It's the perfect space to relax and read some pages of your book as well as get clean and feel refreshed for the next day. If you don't have a bathtub or just don't have the time to take a bath, then I actually know people who read in the shower. (Huh? Read in the shower?!)
YES! People actually do this! While you wait for the water to heat up, you can take those minutes and read!

I know these seem really obvious but I feel writing them out and hopefully for you guys, just reading them will motivate you to do the same and get more reading done!

Thanks for reading,
Delaney M.


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