
Showing posts from August, 2023

Happily Ever Afters by Elise Bryant Review

Hello everyone! It's been awhile. A really long while. But I'm back with another review because I need to do this review. So without further ado, this is my hastily-written, deeply intuitive review of Happily Ever Afters by Elise Bryant.  I was not planning on reading this book even in the near future. Whist trying to clean up my room and putting books onto shelves, I was moving a stack of TBR books to a shelf that my mother actually got for me and for some reason, picked up this book and started reading. After about 15 pages, I put it back down on the shelf and went about my business. That night, I had a deep urge to pick it back up again. (Mind you, I am currently reading House of Sky and Breath by the spectacular Sarah J. Maas and NEVER read multiple books at once.) So that's what I did. I picked up the book and I read it and kept reading it. And reading it. And reading it. Until I finished it.  I haven't had a book do that to me in so long and it was so refreshing.