Happily Ever Afters by Elise Bryant Review

Hello everyone!

It's been awhile. A really long while. But I'm back with another review because I need to do this review. So without further ado, this is my hastily-written, deeply intuitive review of Happily Ever Afters by Elise Bryant. 

I was not planning on reading this book even in the near future. Whist trying to clean up my room and putting books onto shelves, I was moving a stack of TBR books to a shelf that my mother actually got for me and for some reason, picked up this book and started reading. After about 15 pages, I put it back down on the shelf and went about my business. That night, I had a deep urge to pick it back up again. (Mind you, I am currently reading House of Sky and Breath by the spectacular Sarah J. Maas and NEVER read multiple books at once.) So that's what I did. I picked up the book and I read it and kept reading it. And reading it. And reading it. Until I finished it. 
I haven't had a book do that to me in so long and it was so refreshing. 

The surprising thing about this book and why I'm so surprised that I loved it so much is that it didn't seem like there was anything particularly special about it. When I had bought it those years ago when it was released, it was on sale at Target and seemed cute. And it was. It was extremely charming and heartwarming and I could not stop reading it. I loved Sam most of all, out of all of the characters. There was also something so refreshing about having Miles being a character. I feel like you don't see the disabled sibling as a character very much but I think that it added a level to the characters and that it made you understand the family dynamic as well as the personal dynamic of Tessa a lot. 

This book seemed like just what I needed. It was sweet and charming and refreshing. Sure, I did find it to be a bit predictable, but I actually had no problems with that. Sometimes you don't need the book that blows your mind with plot-twists. Sometimes you just need the book that makes you happy. 

It wasn't perfect, there were parts that were frustrating (although very few) with the main character, Tessa, when I just felt like, "Why are you doing this?! Isn't it obvious what you should be doing right now?!" But she's also 16 in the story. Nobody is perfect and not cringey at 16 I feel like. So maybe those scenes were just accurate.

All-in-all, it should be obvious how much I liked this book. I cannot give it a perfect 5 out of 5 yellow roses, but I have to give it the closest possible thing for me which is 4.5 out of 5.

I hope you enjoyed this hectic, straight-from-the-heart review of my latest read!

Thanks for reading,
Delaney <3


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