
Showing posts from December, 2023

Audiobooks: Yea or Nay

 Hello Everybody, I wanted to put out a piece about what seems to be a controversial topic in the book universe: Audiobooks. I used to be one that was against audiobooks. I held the belief that listening to audiobooks was not equivalent to reading, in fact, I was even frustrated by this fact that people would rant about how many books they would read, when in actuality it was all audiobooks. I didn't think that they counted. I also never believed that I could listen to an audiobook where someone else made the voice of the characters in your head.  Well... things change.  My introduction into audiobooks occurred because my wonderful boyfriend, Nick, bought me a year subscription to Audible for my birthday. He got it for me because I began my PhD in Pure Math this year and I'm commuting 30 minutes to the university and he thought it would be the perfect addition to that commute. He was so right. I started with a book that I could get past the problem with the characters voices. A