Behind the Blogger Tag

Hi guys!

Today I will be sharing a tag that I was recently tagged in by Cozy With Books . I'm so excited that I was tagged in another one of these because they are so much fun and thank you so much to Esther over at Cozy With Books for tagging me!

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Answer all the questions down below
  3. Pingback to the creator: Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx
  4. Nominate 5+ bloggers you’d like to know more about, to do this tag

Why did you start blogging? Why have you kept blogging?
I started blogging many years ago and to be completely honest I don't remember why. I just thought it was cool and interesting and I could have never made a booktube so I thought this was another thing similar that I would be able to share my love of books with other people. I stopped blogging at the end of 2018 for mental health reasons and just recently I have been back! I just really missed this community and sharing books that I read and fun booklover things so I decided to get back into the game! So far its been really hard and far less people read my posts now but it is still lots of fun and I'm hoping for my blog to grow with the help of you readers!

What is your favorite type of blog post to write?
Honestly I never write posts that I don't love making so this is a really hard thing for me to choose. I really enjoy doing book reviews but also I think one of my favorites is sharing the new releases of the year or certain time period because I get to discover new books that way and give my opinions!

What are your top three favorite blog posts you wrote?
Getting my boyfriend to read some of my favorite books : this was really just so much fun to write and I loved that people actually related to it!

Winners of the First Official Annual YA Book Awards Show - 2016 : this may have been years ago and the fact that most of the photos are taken down now in the post may make both you and I cringe now but it was a really big moment for me and I remember having so much fun organizing it and sharing it with all you guys.

We Should Hangout Sometime by Josh Sundquist Review : This is probably my most viewed book review on my blog, which is surprising because it is really short and doesn't look like it has a lot of effort in it. But Jost Sundquist actually read it and replied to it! It was the first time an author responded to a review of mine and it was really exciting!

What are some of your favorite things to do to wind down?
Obviously reading is my number one, but I do love to watch Good Mythical Morning on YouTube and is usually the way that I relax in the day!

What are three of your favorite things?
1. Math: of course if it weren't one of my favorite things I wouldn't be studying it in college!
2. Turtles: they are my favorite animal and I have many many things relating to turtles
3. Mediterranean food: for some reason this is my all-time favorite food and I love it absolutely so much. If you guys haven't had it before, you really need to!

What are your proudest blogging moments?
1. Starting my blog
2. My first review request
3. Returning to blogging!

What are your hobbies outside of blogging?
So of course reading, but besides that I absolutely love music and I play finger-picking style guitar. I love photography, I'm actually on the exec board of my photo club at my college. Playing board games with my boyfriend and family is also one of my favorite things to do!

What are your top three pet peeves?
1. Loud chewing and lip-smacking
2. Fake people
3. People thinking you're lying when you aren't

What's something your followers don't know about you?
I loved The Beach Boys as a kid. Like loved them. In the first grade I had a Beach Boys themed birthday party. 

I tag:
Madeline at Mads Books
Jess at Comfort Reads
Cielo at Bellerose Reads
Jodie at Relish Books
Chelsea at Books Tunes

Thank you so much again for the tag Esther and I hope those I have tagged have fun with it like I did!

Thanks for reading,
Delaney M.


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