Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman Book Review

 Hi guys,

It's good to be back reading and writing again. Today I'll be sharing my review for Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman, book 2 in his Arc of a Scythe series. 

I get it. I completely get the hype surrounding this whole series. I really, really liked Scythe and went into this book expecting to enjoy it, but I fell in love. If you have seen my previous posts you'll know that it took me a long time to read this book. Like a LONG TIME. I can give the excuses of classes and work and everything else going on in my life, but today I really took the time, sat down and just ... read. And that's what we all love to do right? I was in a very depressed state today and by the end of this book, it completely changed it around. When I say I just finished it, I mean JUST finished it. While on a video call reading date with my boyfriend, only having the ability to gasp and show him looks of shock on my face every ten pages or so, this book was a whirlwind. 
I spent the entirety of the book thoroughly enjoying the relationships between all characters. One relationship that I loved the most though was the mother-daughter-like relationship between Marie and Anastasia/Citra and the ongoing mutual love between Rowan and Citra. Along with this, Munira and Farraday had a fun little relationship too. I thought that Greyson was an amazing addition to this cast of characters and it was played out well. 
The story arc of this book was amazing. The different narrative paths were so interesting to follow and I felt so invested in every one. The way that Shusterman writes his twists and turns is incredible and leaves you wanting more. I found myself staring at the page in awe, especially in the last 100 pages, not knowing at all what was going to happen next. Which is exactly what I love. 
In fact, this book left me wanting more so much that I went online and bought the third book The Toll immediately. It was just that good. 
Because it took me so long to read the book with everything going on, I don't exactly remember how much I enjoyed the very beginning so I cannot give it 5 out of 5 yellow roses because although I would like to believe I loved every single bit and piece of this book, I can't say that I did because I don't remember. 
With that being said, I have to give it a 4.5 out of 5 yellow roses because ... damn. 

Thanks for reading,
Delaney MacDonald


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