
Showing posts from June, 2016

Currently Reading

Hey guys, Today I will be sharing with you what I am currently reading. There may be a lot of updates on what I am currently reading because if you follow me on Twitter you will know that I am camping and trying to read as many books as I can. But I only brought six and already finished one. So here is what I am currently reading. . . . . . . . The Crown by Kiera Cass! I am about halfway through this book and loving it as I thought I would. Not as interesting as some of the other books but still... Thanks  Delaney M.

Unwind by Neal Shusterman Review

I just started this book a few days ago and when I had just started it, was only about 40 pages in and not loving it. It was confusing for many reasons. The first reason was because when I had started it, I was still unclear on what "unwinding" was exactly. Were you a hollow shell of a human with a soul but nothing else inside? I had no idea. Another reason it was confusing was the POV in third person thing, but same with the unwinding fiasco, I figured this out later when more context was implemented. But after that 40 page mark, it got really interesting. The plot was amazing, and it made me want to keep reading! I will say that the character relationships were strange, but I did enjoy the actual personalities of the characters. The book really shows how the characters grew throughout the entire story. All in all, I really did enjoy this bookend plan on continuing on with the series. I give this book 4 out of 5 yellow roses. Remember to enter the writing contest! Dea...


Hello everybody, Today me and my fellow blogger at will be launch a YA writing competition. This is a free contest, there is no entry fee. The different categories of this contest are as followed... Poetry (Must be at least five lines) Flash Fiction (200 to 500 words total) Short Story (1,000 to 3,000 words total) Persuasive Essay (Less than six paragraphs) If you have any writing that you think is truly amazing and you want to enter it in this contest you have to follow these rules and regulations. Writing must fall into one of the four categories. One winner will be chosen for each of these categories. All writing must be YA appropriate (12 to 20 years of age) You can enter up to two pieces in each category, but you can only win at most two categories because we want everyone to have a chance. You CAN simultaneously enter in this contest with other contests, but you CAN'T submit already published works. The winners ...

5 Related Things Found on Tumblr

I thought that I would do a fun little post since I have been sending out mostly review and what I'm reading. So I'm going to be showing you five some book related things that were found on tumblr. I am sorry if I repeat any posts, but if they are repeated, that means that I think they are so awesome that they deserve to be posted twice. 1. Rereading Harry Potter at all costs 2. This amazing book idea 3. This decision... 4. They speak to us 5. A needed reality I hope you liked this fun little post!  More coming soon! Thanks, Delaney M.

Currently Reading

Hi! Today I will be telling you what book i am currently reading! The book is... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unwind by Neal Shusterman! Hopefully I'll blow right through this book like I did A Thousand Nights! I was thinking about putting up some fun fun posts this week so look forward to those! See ya later alligator! Delaney M

A Thousand Nights by E.K. Johnston Review

Hey guys, Today I will be reviewing A Thousand Nights by E.K. Johnston. I finished this book in the matter of days, and it truly was a great book. Johnson's writing is lyrical and beautiful. Her dialogue is woven with the threads if the story that this novel was originally based off of. A thousand and one Arabian nights. Although the plotsequence disappointed me with this book, once we hit the real problem hit the story, it was impossible to put down! I really did enjoy the characters, they made a very refreshing cast. The only real problem I had with this was the fact that sometimes things showed up out of nowhere in a sense, but most of these were resolved later on. Johnston created a masterpiece that lives up to all of the reviews given to it. Thanks Delaney M.

The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau Review

Hey guys, Today I will be review The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau. Image found here: I had finished this book a little while ago and to say the least, I didn't have high hopes for this book really and it met this not so high standard. Although this book had an interesting plot it didn't urge me enough to read it non-stop, which I look for in a book. I did enjoy the characters within this book but the relationships between them seemed a little unrealistic and with all of the names of the people participating in the Testing, it was hard to keep track of who was who. This book did have very good writing, it was somewhat simple but then Charbonneau drops in a couple of metaphors and it makes it even better. There was a lot of hype surrounding this book or at least I thought that there was, but I did not like it as some others did. I can definitely see why some people would really like it, because it does have some very...

Currently Reading

Hey you guys, I hope you are having a happy summer, I am going to be sharing with you the book that I am currently reading. It is... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Thousand Nights by E.K. Johnston! I'm so excited about reading this book, I actually got it for christmas and I just hadn't read it yet but it is really good and I really like The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Adieh which both of these books are based on the same story, A Thousand and One Arabian Nights. So, yes, very excited, I just started and I am about 120 pages in!  My review for The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau will be up ASAP! I hope you liked this reading update and check out my other new blog posts! Thanks Delaney

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi Review

Hey guys, Today I'm going to be doing a review of Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. So let's get into the review. I had read this book a while ago and I know, I know, I've waited until now to post this! But I really did like this book. It was a very simple read and I got through it within a couple of days. I thought that most of the characters were really well rounded, and the mystery between the relationships were really interesting and I could really read into it. The writing in this book was fantastic, as if every single thing in the book was a metaphor, it was beautiful writing, and that is the least that I would expect from all of the hype surrounding this book. The plot was interesting, and it went at a good pace so it always kept me wanting more which is probably why I finished it really quickly. There isn't much else I can say for this book except for the fact that I thought it was great and you guys should definitely read it! I would give this book a 4.5 ...

Blog Collab Post: Books and Movies

Hey guys, today I am doing a blog collab with my friend Kierra over at her blog,, you guys should really check her blog, it's a lot of fun and you will love it! So, now, this is the collab! 1.The Percy Jackson Series I think this was the worst movie adaption Iā€™ve ever watched. They had crappy casting for Percy and the movie refused to follow the clear plot guidelines created by the book. Instead of Percyā€™s sassy comebacks and lovable snark, the audience is faced with a character who is unnecessarily arrogant about things he shouldnā€™t be. Instead of working with the well-loved characters of Rick Riordanā€™s novels the movie tears apart everything fans loved. (And then, to make it worse, they made a sequel ) But yeah, you can totally watch it if you're a fan of terrible film that's about the quality of a Disney Channel original movie. 2. Divergent Second on our hit list is the adaptation of Divergent. In this movie, they ...

Currently Reading

Hey guys, Today I'm going to be sharing with you the book that I am currently reading, but first, a story. So I was on this really bad roll with losing things, I had lost a hat, two books (*GASP), trous (fellow rowers will know what these are but for those who don't know, they are longer spandex shorts) a bookmark and my pencil case. The two books that I had lost were the ones that I was actually reading at the time  (*ANOTHER LOUD GASP) and I was frantically searching for them for so long, and I don't usually read more than one book at a time but I was trying it and it wasn't going well. But slowly, I started getting back things one by one until I reached the end where I had still been missing Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi, then I found that and this was the end of the spell of losing things. So now, I have finished Shatter Me, and I am reading the book that I am about to say now. And that book is... ... ... ... ... THE TESTING BY JOELLE CHARBONNEAU Now if you have kept ...

Review for The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas

Image found at: So just a little while ago, I finished this book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. As you all know if you have read any of my other review for Sarah J. Maas's books, her writing style is amazing and completely captivating, although I did have many distractions for this book which is why it took me sooo long to read, I blew through the second half. This book really gave background to Celaena's life before the day she got out of Endovier. We got to see so much background on characters that we didn't really hear from a lot and it gave us very good insight into how Celaena was as a person before and how she progressed throughout these books. And for those who did not read this book and are wondering if they have to or not, you don't, it is just a prequel, although I would highly suggest picking it up and reading it (before reading Queen of Shadows is really helpful)becau...