
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake Book Review

Hello everyone!  This has been a long awaited read and I finally have a review for a book that was popular a while ago. With that here is finally a new review up on this page for The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake. This book was great. It had a captivating concept and beautiful writing, however I cannot give it 5 stars. Typically when we talk about books and their driving factors, we think of two possibilities; plot-driven or character-driven. In this case, for the vast majority of this book, I wouldn't have characterized it as either. I would put it into a different category rather as "concept-driven". The twists and turns really just came in the last 75 pages or so of the book and the minor plot twists occurring at other times seemed largely brushed off. Additionally, I felt as though I did not connect with any of the characters and didn't feel for them whatsoever. I'm not sure if that was intentional or just as a consequence of having a multitude of POVs, but typic

Audiobooks: Yea or Nay

 Hello Everybody, I wanted to put out a piece about what seems to be a controversial topic in the book universe: Audiobooks. I used to be one that was against audiobooks. I held the belief that listening to audiobooks was not equivalent to reading, in fact, I was even frustrated by this fact that people would rant about how many books they would read, when in actuality it was all audiobooks. I didn't think that they counted. I also never believed that I could listen to an audiobook where someone else made the voice of the characters in your head.  Well... things change.  My introduction into audiobooks occurred because my wonderful boyfriend, Nick, bought me a year subscription to Audible for my birthday. He got it for me because I began my PhD in Pure Math this year and I'm commuting 30 minutes to the university and he thought it would be the perfect addition to that commute. He was so right. I started with a book that I could get past the problem with the characters voices. A

Happily Ever Afters by Elise Bryant Review

Hello everyone! It's been awhile. A really long while. But I'm back with another review because I need to do this review. So without further ado, this is my hastily-written, deeply intuitive review of Happily Ever Afters by Elise Bryant.  I was not planning on reading this book even in the near future. Whist trying to clean up my room and putting books onto shelves, I was moving a stack of TBR books to a shelf that my mother actually got for me and for some reason, picked up this book and started reading. After about 15 pages, I put it back down on the shelf and went about my business. That night, I had a deep urge to pick it back up again. (Mind you, I am currently reading House of Sky and Breath by the spectacular Sarah J. Maas and NEVER read multiple books at once.) So that's what I did. I picked up the book and I read it and kept reading it. And reading it. And reading it. Until I finished it.  I haven't had a book do that to me in so long and it was so refreshing. 

Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson Review

 Hi guys, I'm happy to be sharing with you guys today my review for Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson. After an incredibly hard loss in the family, this was just the book I needed. Although Morgan Matson books had read a little young for me the past couple of years, it didn't stop me from loving them. This was no exception. Let's start out with the plot.  I loved the intricately woven plotlines. It was perfect and extremely unexpected that Teri would come into the spotlight in her own POV. It was a spectacular change of events from Kat and Stevie in the heart of New York City to upstate NY/Canada where you didn't know who to trust and were eager to figure out the secrets. Then there was the really nice balance been the girls in the city as well. You had Kat, who you could see falling in love over time with Cary and Stevie, who was finally getting close to the step siblings she never wanted but ended up loving. Matson was able to drop so many breadcrumbs throughout t

Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson Book Review

 Hi Guys,  Today I will be reviewing Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson!  Let me paint you a picture... I'm a junior in college and I'm depressed, alone at school because my roommates are off doing their own thing like classes and playing with a Club Penguin account they recently unearthed from the depths of childhood. So what was I supposed to do to feel better? Go to the bookstore? Yeah, that's right, I needed to find a bookstore ASAP. So I went to the most readily available bookstore with the widest range of books, Barnes & Noble. I'm walking through the store and every time I pick up a book that I like, the sadness that clouds my brain slightly dissipates. So I keep going. Then I linger around a place that I typically don't fancy to look in, the Adult section. I'm not sure if its because I'm such a young adult in my early twenties that I feel like I won't relate to the characters, or if I just think that they will be boring compared to the YA th

Once Upon A Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber Book Review

 Hi everybody, As you can see from the title of this post, today I have another book review for y'all and this one is for Once Upon A Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber! If you guys didn't know, Stephanie Garber wrote Caraval which was one of my favorite books of all time and I absolutely loved the sequels to the books. However, I think that my love for those books really put my expectations really high for this new series. I honestly didn't know what to expect from this new series as well, by reading the description, it seemed like there was going to be some connection between the Caraval series and this new one, I just didn't know by how much.  To be honest, as I was reading like the first 100 pages of this book, it didn't seem like much to me. I wasn't extremely invested in the story, I hadn't really fallen for any of the characters (in fact I didn't even end up loving Evangeline, I did like Jacks as a character much more but I had seen him in the Carav

The Fates Divide by Veronica Roth Book Review

 Hey guys!  I am back after an uber-long hiatus and ready to share with you another review for a book that I most recently read! That book is ....  This is the sequel to Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth so if you have not read that book or read my review, you can check it out HERE but please note that there will be spoilers in this review. I really like Carve the Mark which seemed surprising because there were a lot of people that had a very deep, resounding problem with it. But, personally, I loved it. I thought that the idea for the story was a lot of fun and well played out. I loved the characters and their relationships to one another, and I thought that it was really satisfying to have a universe so evolved and thought through. There were a lot of people saying that the book was inherently racist but I didn't find it to be that way. To be honest, I found it refreshing to have a sci-fi book that I actually really enjoyed. Now enough of the past book, let's move on to this o

Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E. Smith Review

 Hey guys, Today I am happy to share that I will be reviewing Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E. Smith! Here's the synopsis from Goodreads to get a better idea of what the book is about: Having just been dumped by his girlfriend, British-born Hugo is still determined to take his last-hurrah-before-college train trip across the United States. One snag: the companion ticket is already booked under the name of his ex, Margaret Campbell. Nontransferable, no exceptions. Enter the new Margaret C. (Mae for short), an aspiring filmmaker with big dreams. After finding Hugo's spare ticket offer online, she's convinced it's the perfect opportunity to expand her horizons. When the two meet, the attraction is undeniable, and both find more than they bargained for. As Mae pushes Hugo to explore his dreams for his future, he'll encourage her to channel a new, vulnerable side of her art. But when life off the train threatens the bubble they've created for themselves, will they

Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau Review

 Hi guys, Today I will be reviewing Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau!  I've decided that this review is going to be short and sweet like the book so let's get right to it. I read this during my vacation and although it wasn't the most mind-blowing book I've read, I really really enjoyed it.  It centers around Mia, a passionate, teenage ballerina that isn't afraid to have fun while pursuing her dreams. You can tell she works tirelessly and that her world revolves around ballet. I only took ballet from the ages of 3-10 and have not done it for many years, Jouhanneau made it so you could still understand what was happening and the degree of difficulty that it was. I loved it being set in Paris and being taken around the city with Mia and Louis. The French that was thrown in throughout made me so happy and made me long to go to France to see my family. It was definitely an easy, light read but I still found myself eager to read more because of how much I

Again, but Better by Christine Riccio Review

Hey guys, Today I am very excited to review my most recent read, Again, but Better by Christine Riccio! I honestly didn't know that I was going to love this book so much, but what should I have expected with a book written by a BookTuber that I have watched for years and have mostly enjoyed similar books to. Christine was actually the first BookTuber that I ever came across, way back when. I am so glad that I picked up this book. Now .ets get into the reasons why... Let's begin with what I saw from the beginning. Reading the inside flap of this book was an incredibly major call-out to me and my life. For reference, I'll put it here: Shane has been doing college all wrong. Pre-med, stellar grades, and happy parents…sounds ideal -- but Shane's made zero friends, goes home every weekend, and romance…what’s that? Her life has been dorm, dining hall, class, repeat. Time's a ticking, and she needs a change -- there's nothing like moving to a new country to