Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau Review

 Hi guys,

Today I will be reviewing Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau! 

I've decided that this review is going to be short and sweet like the book so let's get right to it.
I read this during my vacation and although it wasn't the most mind-blowing book I've read, I really really enjoyed it. 

It centers around Mia, a passionate, teenage ballerina that isn't afraid to have fun while pursuing her dreams. You can tell she works tirelessly and that her world revolves around ballet. I only took ballet from the ages of 3-10 and have not done it for many years, Jouhanneau made it so you could still understand what was happening and the degree of difficulty that it was. I loved it being set in Paris and being taken around the city with Mia and Louis. The French that was thrown in throughout made me so happy and made me long to go to France to see my family. It was definitely an easy, light read but I still found myself eager to read more because of how much I was enjoying it. I loved how Mia and Audrey's friendship progressed. We were able to see growth within each character throughout the book which I really enjoyed. 

All-in-all, it was a really sweet read. There were some deeper moments throughout but in the end, I still thought of it as just a light and fluffy novel perfect for my beach excursions while on vacation. 

With that short review being over it's time to rate it. I really enjoyed it, it just wasn't anything mind-blowing so I'll be giving it a 4 out of 5 yellow roses.

Thanks for reading,

Delaney M. ❤️


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