Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson Review

 Hi guys,

I'm happy to be sharing with you guys today my review for Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson.

After an incredibly hard loss in the family, this was just the book I needed. Although Morgan Matson books had read a little young for me the past couple of years, it didn't stop me from loving them. This was no exception. Let's start out with the plot. 

I loved the intricately woven plotlines. It was perfect and extremely unexpected that Teri would come into the spotlight in her own POV. It was a spectacular change of events from Kat and Stevie in the heart of New York City to upstate NY/Canada where you didn't know who to trust and were eager to figure out the secrets. Then there was the really nice balance been the girls in the city as well. You had Kat, who you could see falling in love over time with Cary and Stevie, who was finally getting close to the step siblings she never wanted but ended up loving. Matson was able to drop so many breadcrumbs throughout the book that it was always keeping you on your toes when it was resolved. I had completely forgotten about the long lost third painting by the time it was found in the end which made it all of the more exciting to read because that hadn't been what your focus was on. Or Cary's sixth job that came up at the end of the book, which made me feel better about how he'd never answered Kat in the first place about what it was. Also I loved the little snippets of Teri's boyfriends. By the end of the novel, you could see both sides of the story. 1. Why someone would probably never believe that she actually had a Canadian boyfriend named Dustin Alberta. And 2. How she actually came to have a boyfriend named Dustin Alberta in the strangest turn of events in the history of a contemporary book. In terms of characters, I absolutely loved Cary but to be honest, in the beginning I didn't like Kat. Then again, it took me going through the whole book to see her develop as a character and for me to actually like her. I didn't really have any strong opinions on Stevie but I thought Teri was an interesting addition to the mix of them. I ended up loving the relationship between Stevie and Matty, especially at the end where you could hear Matty cheering for her going into the first night of Lear. The one thing that I think we can all agree on though is we hate Mr. Campbell with a passion, right?

My rating: 4.5 out of 5 yellow roses

Thanks for reading everybody,



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