Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson Book Review

 Hi Guys, 

Today I will be reviewing Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson! 

Let me paint you a picture... I'm a junior in college and I'm depressed, alone at school because my roommates are off doing their own thing like classes and playing with a Club Penguin account they recently unearthed from the depths of childhood. So what was I supposed to do to feel better? Go to the bookstore? Yeah, that's right, I needed to find a bookstore ASAP. So I went to the most readily available bookstore with the widest range of books, Barnes & Noble. I'm walking through the store and every time I pick up a book that I like, the sadness that clouds my brain slightly dissipates. So I keep going. Then I linger around a place that I typically don't fancy to look in, the Adult section. I'm not sure if its because I'm such a young adult in my early twenties that I feel like I won't relate to the characters, or if I just think that they will be boring compared to the YA that has been so closely held to my heart since I was eleven years old that I don't typically bother going to the Adult section of the bookstore, but today I guess I was just feeling like a real adult. So I'm standing there, looking at a lot of books that I hadn't even heard of, because I tend to not run in those circles, when a young woman comes up to me and points out this book. "I recommend this one," she said, "it's really weird but really good, I promise." I'm not sure if it's because she worked at a Barnes & Noble or what that I took her word for it, but I bought it right away. And can I just say this, thank you to that young woman who worked at the Smithfield, RI Barnes & Noble during the first half of my junior year of college. 

She was so right. This book was quirky in all of the right ways, and I loved it. I don't think I was expecting to love it. It sat on my pile of unread books for a while, and every time that I had my boyfriend help me choose the next one, it just wasn't it. He eventually asked me, "Is that one too weird? Are you ever even going to read it?" Me, being the stubborn person that I am said, "Of course I'm gonna read it, I read all of my books eventually!" 

On Saturday night I finished the second book in the Bridgerton series and it was oh so good. I honestly wasn't expecting to like that one as much either, but it really was a treat! Then, without a question, I went to my stack of the next books to read and I grabbed this one. I read it in less than 48 hours. If that isn't a good hook for a book, then I don't know what is. It was one of the most captivating reads that I have had the pleasure of delving into in a very long time. I had never read anything like it and it honestly just read so smoothly and easily. It was so easy to breeze right through. The main character is extremely rough around the edges. She has a tendency to just say "Ok" to things after someone says something because she can't find any other words to put in her mouth. She was so far from perfect, and I think that's what I liked about her. In the beginning she was a deadbeat. Worked at two different grocery stores and lived in the attic of her similarly deadbeat mom's house who doesn't care about her at all. She was fascinating to read about. The same thing goes for the twins that spontaneously combust of course. And the picture-perfect family that they are somehow related to. The story-line wasn't actually too crazy where there were so many plot-points you couldn't keep up, but also there were enough so that you stayed invested and it kept interesting. If you need a funky, strangely true-to-life and yet not so true-to-life book all in the same, then this is the perfect book for you.

As for me stepping out further into the land of Adult Fiction, I'd say I had a pretty decent start. All of the others have been fantasy, but this was highly refreshing and will be drawing me in to read many more in the genre. I am so excited to be back and reading again, even with a busy schedule. 

As for my rating, I'm going to have to go with a 4.75 out of 5 yellow roses. Probably the closest that I will be getting to a 5 without actually assigning it, because although I loved this book so much, it didn't leave me with a longing feeling the pit of my chest after I finished it like other 5's give me (so it's downgraded just a little bit). 

Anyways, I've gone on for too long and you guys may not comment "TLDR", but I did have so much fun reading this book as well as writing the review for it.

Thanks for reading, as always,



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