Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E. Smith Review

 Hey guys,

Today I am happy to share that I will be reviewing Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E. Smith!

Here's the synopsis from Goodreads to get a better idea of what the book is about:

Having just been dumped by his girlfriend, British-born Hugo is still determined to take his last-hurrah-before-college train trip across the United States. One snag: the companion ticket is already booked under the name of his ex, Margaret Campbell. Nontransferable, no exceptions.

Enter the new Margaret C. (Mae for short), an aspiring filmmaker with big dreams. After finding Hugo's spare ticket offer online, she's convinced it's the perfect opportunity to expand her horizons.

When the two meet, the attraction is undeniable, and both find more than they bargained for. As Mae pushes Hugo to explore his dreams for his future, he'll encourage her to channel a new, vulnerable side of her art. But when life off the train threatens the bubble they've created for themselves, will they manage to keep their love on track?

If I am going to be honest, I finished this book a while ago, so if my review isn't super detailed, you can understand why. Also no notes were taken as I was on vacation while reading this. 

Anyways.... My wonderful boyfriend Nick bought me this book probably about a year ago just because he was in a bookstore with his sister, saw it, and knew that it would be something that I would like. And he was completely right. This book was absolutely spectacular. It was short and sweet and had the best amount of happiness, romantic bliss, suspense, sadness, and so much more. The idea itself is one that I had never heard of or read before in my life so it was completely refreshing. How many books do you know that take place majority on a train? Murder On The Orient Express? Some of Harry Potter? I can't really think of any others.  

The setting was honestly magical and the sparks between Mae and Hugo were electric. I loved the little moments. The smiles. The hugs. Them kissing for the first time. I am so invested in them and their lives that I just need to have a sequel or something to catch up on everything that has happened since. I know that'll never be the case but, hey, a girl can dream. 

With all of these lovely romantic feelings, there were also some really emotional parts of this book that I honestly wasn't expecting, but was grateful for. To be completely honest I read most of this either on the beach while on vacation or while on a stationary bike at the gym sweating my ass off. Either situation, it was hard not to cry at some parts. For things both happy and sad. 



I'm so glad that Hugo got his gap year. He deserved it. I want to follow him on his adventures and see where goes next. And Mae. Oh my goodness. I didn't even get to see the movie (yeah, right, obviously), but the description and when she added that section in of herself after she read the note that her grandma left her. It was so touching and emotional and I think that I actually did cry on the stationary bike at that part. 


This book was way more beautiful than I ever thought it was going to be. I was so invested in the characters, so in love with the stories of all of the people they met on the train, so head over heals for the new love that Hugo and Mae shared. 

I have to read the other books by Jennifer E Smith. I just have to.

I can't give this book any other rating than a 5 out of 5 yellow roses. It was perfect for summer.

Thanks for reading,

Delaney M. 🌼


  1. The review was well written. I will read it as it seems like a chilled vibe book. πŸŒΊπŸ’žπŸŒΊπŸ’ž


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