
Showing posts from July, 2016

Writing Contest Reminder!

Hey guys!  I am just reminding you guys that the writing contest ends tomorrow! Be sure to enter the contest! If you are a writer and you want to put out your writing to the world, then you need to enter my contest. If you would like to enter, just click HERE to get to my previous post about it! PLEASE ENTER!! Only one more  day!!! Ends tomorrow at midnight!!! Thanks,  Delaney M.

The Young Elites by Marie Lu Review

So I read this book a long time ago and now I am finally doing a review. So this may not be as in depth as any of my other reviews but I hope you still enjoy this. I hope you like it! Image found here: I loved this book! At first I was hesitant on reading it because it seemed too similar to The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken WHICH I LOVE BY THE WAY IF YOU DIDNT KNOW!! But this was a completely different story. It was a completely different type of cast of characters. I have always enjoyed Marie Lu's writing and this was no exception. She really created a group of well-rounded characters and I enjoyed every character's part-take in the story. It was a really cool concept and it was done really well. I thoroughly enjoyed the setting of the story and the plot was at a good and constant pace. I am very excited to continue on with the series! All in all this was a great book and I give it a 5 out of 5 yellow star rating...

Currently Reading

Hey guys, Today I will be sharing with you what I am currently reading. So here it is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Image found here: So I am not extremely excited by reading this book, it is kind of a filler book after The Crown's Game. This is because I haven't had the best run with Lauren Oliver's books. But so many people like this book and I have had it for so long. There is only so many books left on my TBR and if I am not to like some book after reading an amazing one, might as well be one that I probably won't love anyways. Do you guys get what I am saying. I think it sounds like a load of gibberish. But I do hope that I actually really like it and I get through it really fast! Thanks, Delaney M

The Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye Review

Hey guys! Today I will be review The Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye. Image found here: So I finished this book at 2 AM last night (or this morning you could say), and I was completely hooked! This novel was gripping from the very beginning. And although this book was not as expected, it was completely captivating. Skye has simple by elegant writing and those little French incorporations that added to the Russian culture was divine. How she crafted Sergei and Galina's very real brother and sister relationship was amazing. In the beginning, Vika was not my favorite character, but as she grew throughout the story, I learned to love her. Some of my favorite characters were Pasha and Nikolai, and Skye executed the perfect little uptight princess with Yuliana. The Crown's Game kept a steady plot and I was hooked from the very beginning. I loved Ludmila, she definitely represented a mother-like figure in my eyes and remind...

Currently Reading

Hey guys, I am really excited to be sharing with you what I am currently reading! This book just came in the mail at 4:00 PM yesterday and I am already about a third of the way through. That book is... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE CROWN'S GAME BY EVELYN SKYE!! Image found here: I have been meaning to get my hands on this book and I finally have and so far, I AM LOVING IT!!!!!! My full review should be up soon! Thanks, Delaney MacDonald

The Revival By Chris Weitz Review

Image found here: As you may have seen in my previous currently reading, I didn't even know this book was out so it was a happy surprise to see it on the shelf.  So to begin the review. You guys know that I already love these characters and they didn't really introduce anyone new into the story because it is a wrap up to a series. But the characters were as great as ever. The dialogue was quick and witty and all of the elements of all of the characters were very good. My only problem with this book was that it seemed that Weitz was trying to fit a 350 page book into a 250 page book, the book was short and quick which I usually like from an end of a series, but the shortness of this one seemed unethical. I just think that some things could have been explained more to give a more well-rounded end to a series. But that was basically my only problem with it. And it isn...

Currently Reading (Well Kinda)

Hey guys, Today I will be sharing what I was currently reading. I totally forgot to update and tell you guys what I was reading because I had just found this book, and it had just came out and I just had to read it. That book was... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE REVIVAL BY CHRIS WEITZ!!! Image found here: So I had gone to Books-A-Million and when I had, I just found this book. I didn't even realize that it was coming out! But I immediately bought it read it!  The review is coming soon for it! Thanks, Delaney M.

Christmas in July, Clean Teen Publishing Giveaway

Hey guys! Today I will be sharing with you a giveaway that I stumbled upon. This giveaway is by Clean Teen Publishing and Crimson Tree Publishing and it is for a kindle fire and 10 digital books. To enter this giveaway you can go to and enter! Good luck to everyone else entering the giveaway! Thanks, Delaney M.

7 Funny Book Lover Memes

Hey guys! Today I thought that I would do a fun little post because as you know from my reading update, I am in a reading slump so I thought that this would be the easiest and most fun thing to do while I am stuck in this reading slump! So here are 7 memes that I think are funny and are about books. Hope you like them. (I am sorry if I repeat any pics from previous posts, I just forgot) 1. Loki Reading Image found here: 2. Book Scary Stories Image found here: 3. Book Bag Image found here: 4. Fandoms in School Image found here: 5. Boys in Books Image found here:

Reminder to Enter the Writing Contest!

Hey guys! This is just a reminder to enter the writing competition that is hosted by myself and Kierra from (Go check out her blog for some other cool stuff). The contest is running until July 31st, so make sure that you enter! For more info on the contest go to my earlier post CLICK HERE . If you would like to enter the contest, you can click HERE and fill out the Google Form! We are very excited by the contest, and we already have entries coming in! But don't worry! With all of the categories, EVERYBODY HAS A CHANCE! Remember! You will be recognized on both websites for all viewers to see! This includes PUBLISHERS, AGENTS, AND AUTHORS that visit the sites. There is no guarantee that a publisher, agent or author viewing the site will pick up your writing, but there is a VERY HIGH CHANCE! SO MAKE SURE YOU ENTER!!!!! Again, this was a just a quick reminder to those who write YA to enter the competition and try to get their work out there. I...

Reading Update

Hey guys! Today I will be sharing with you a reading update. As you guys may know by my previous posts, I had gone camping and while camping a I read many books in one sitting, this was a glorious achievement. But I forgot about the backlash of reading like that. The problem with me is that if I read nonstop and go very fast, at some point I am going to hit a wall. I hit that wall while reading Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes. So now I am in a bit of a reading slump. Don't worry it isn't too bad, and I will be uploading frequently. I just have the slump. So I am hoping that the quick and easy book that I am reading right now, The Young Elites by Marie Lu is going to get me out of that slump. And remember when I said that I wasn't reading The Young Elites because it seemed too much like The Darkest Minds? Well it is very different. A totally different style and the characters and the basis are so different. I am highly enjoying it so far! More updates coming soon and ...

Book Lovers Will Understand These 5 Things Found on Whisper

These are some things that book lovers will understand that are from the app Whisper 1.   2. 3. 4. 5. I hope you liked this fun little thing, I always love seeing these and relating to them, I hope you related to them too!

5 Quotes From "Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops" by Jen Campbell

There is this really hilarious book that all book lovers will adore called "Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops" by Jen Campbell. Here are some quotes from that book and I urge you to buy the book at your local bookshop. 1. Image found here: 2. Image found here: 3.  Image found here: 4.  Image found here: 5. Image found here: I hope you liked this fun little post. If you did, email me or comment below and I will do another one! Thanks, Delaney M. Remember t...

Currently Reading

Hey guys! Today I will be telling you what I am Currently Reading! So, here is what I am currently reading... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Young Elites by Marie Lu I haven't actually started this book, but I am going to today. I put-off reading this book because the plot seems very similar to The Darkest Minds, which you should know is one of my favorite books. But many people like it so I hope I do too! Thanks, Delaney M. 


Okay so there was an announcement a while ago that said that Veronica Roth has written a new book and it is in a duology, sci-fi series. Now, I have known this news for a while but it has just occurred to me to post about it because some are unaware about this. So yes, Veronica Roth has written a new book and the expected publishing date it January 17, 2017. Here is a picture of the final cover... I know, beautiful right?  Below I will enter the synopsis that is from  On a planet where violence and vengeance rule, in a galaxy where some are favored by fate, everyone develops a currentgift, a unique power meant to shape the future. While most benefit from their currentgifts, Akos and Cyra do notā€”their gifts make them vulnerable to othersā€™ control. Can they reclaim their gifts, their fates, and their lives, and reset the balance of power in this world? Cyra is the sister of the brutal tyrant who rules the Shotet people. Cyraā€™s currentgift gives her ...

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes Review

Image found at: Hey guys! Today I will be reviewing Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes.  So let's get into the review. This book has a lot of hype surrounding it and I am safe to say that that hype was well-deserved. The characters and plot were so intriguing. I haven't read anything else my Morgan Rhodes so this first book in her well-known series was my first dip into her writing style. Her writing was amazing and the style of writing went perfectly with the themes of the book. I highly enjoyed reading this book and many aspects of it I found enjoyable. The characters in this book were very well done and Rhodes did a great job to show that they had real life emotions which sometimes, in fantasy, the characters lack. The relationships between the characters were very well done and over all enjoyable to read about. I will say there is a little bit of incestuous things in this book, but it doesn't go anywhere e...

Currently Reading

I would like to tell you guys what I am currently reading! Right now I am reading.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes!!!! I am very excited to be reading this book! I have heard so many great things about it and a review will be coming out soon for it!!! See ya later alligator! Delaney M.

Belated Currently Readings

Since I had been camping for the last week, I didn't have the access to the internet to post most of my currently readings. So that's what I am going to do now. I don't think that I am going to be posting full reviews for the books that I read, well maybe... We'll see. But I do want to show you what I read. I am happy to say that for every day that I was there, I read one book. So here are the books... 1. The Crown by Kiera Cass This was a very good book. I thoroughly enjoyed this ending to the long lasting series.  Rating: 4 out of 5 Yellow Roses 2. Princess in Love by Meg Cabot These books are my guilty pleasure and this book is no exception.  Rating: 5 out of 5 Yellow Roses 3. Feed by M.T. Anderson This book was alright, it was a little confusing and it was nothing I had expected, but very interesting. Rating: 3 out of 5 Yellow Roses 4. The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black The book was... magical. It was unlike anything th...