10 Great Book Things That I Found Meandering Around on PINTEREST

1. Sassy Harry
I really don't.:

2. The Greatest Book Ad Ever?!

3. Accidents Happen

4. Why Nobody Wants to go With me to the Cinema
I don't think or say this at all. Usually I dont read the books before the movies. I usually read the books AFTER the movie comes out.:

5. Venture Into the Unknown
This is so true! !!!>>> THE SILVER SIREN GUYS!! || TOMORROW CHICAS!>>>>>AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! ||||| YYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!:

6. Loneliest of Fandoms
So true!!:

7. Counting OTPs
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive... LIFE OF A FANGIRL. ~ The truth in this is overwhelming...:

8. There Will Be No Happy Endings, Only Moderate Killings
~Divergent~ ~Insurgent~ ~Allegiant~:

9. A Fictional Reality
That would be so creepy!:

10. My Pledge to Fiction
The Fangirl Oath.:

I hope you enjoyed these just as much as I did!




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