Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth Review

Hi guys, Today I will be reviewing Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth. Overall I thought this was a really good book. I really enjoyed the characters and their dynamics, although sometimes the relationships between them felt fake which is disappointing. Roth has a way of writing that has a way of explaining things really well and not boring you in the process. There were one or two times when I want sure exactly what was going on but that could've been a fault of my own when I didn't read close enough. Roth is also the master of evil brothers as seen in her other novels (tehehe). The plot was captivating and refreshing, I haven't read a real sci-fi in a while so this was nice. I thought that the ending wasnt completely satisfying but it worked well enough. Now lets get down to the controversy. So if you didn't know, there is a big controversy around this book. And don't feel bad about it, I didn't know about while I was reading it, it just s...