Books to Read When You Are in a Reading Slump

Hi guys! So I did this idea a long time ago and now that I have evolved on this blog and so many other books have come out since then, I want to share with you some books that personally help me get out of a reading slump, and most of these, you guys would probably agree with as well. So I hope this is helpful and lets get on with the post! 1. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling This one I feel is fairly obvious, but for most of you guys out there, Harry Potter is wicked nostalgic and for those who have read it hundreds of times like me know that it is very easy to get through. All around it just makes people happy and more willing to read more. 2. Divergent by Veronica Roth Another fairly obvious one, and it feels like I haven't talked about this book in a little while. This was the first YA book I ever read when I was in the 4th grade, which now feels so young now that it has been so many years, so this is also very nostalgic for me and it is a really eas...