Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag

Hi guys! Today I will be doing the Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag. The number of people who I have seen do this tag has been way too many before I finally got myself to do it after being tagged. Thank you to Nikki Swift Reads for the tag and I am so glad to finally be getting to this! Go check out her tag by clicking on the hyperlink listed before. Let's get right into the tag! How much have you read? Honestly I have not been reading as much as I wanted to this year and I know my Goodreads isn't accurate because I have been doing a good amount of rereads this year and Goodreads doesn't count those. I think I've read about 15 books total this year which is a lot less than I wanted to but college got really busy and I didn't have the time or energy to read much during school. Best book you've read so far in 2020? Probably my favorite book of this year was Save the Date by Morgan Matson . It was honestly the exact book I needed at the time I rea...