My Reading Goals for 2021

 Hey guys,

Today I will be sharing with you my reading goals for 2021.

I have seen so many people going through their 2021 reading goals and I really wanted to participate. Comment down below whatever reading goal you have for 2021, I wanna know!

Reading Goal #1

This is my first and biggest reading goal for 2021 and that is to read all of the books that I have in my possession right now thus bringing my TBR pile to 0. Now, with that being said, I will still be purchasing books but as of the books that I have right now, my goal is to read all of those. 

I actually went through my bookshelves and collections to see how many books I haven't read that I have and I am sure that I missed some that are strewn around my house but I counted 16 which is not that bad and I really think that I can do it.

Reading Goal #2

Make reading a priority while I am at school. I tend to get really caught up with everything happening in college and my classes will get difficult so I can never read as much as I would like, so my goal for this year is to just make reading more of a priority while I am doing school. Whether it's just reading a couple of pages before bed or bringing books with me to the library to read while on study breaks, but I don't want to get in a slump where I don't read any books while I'm in my dorm.

Reading Goal #3

I wanna start reading some audio-books. I think it would be a good idea if I went on walks every day and as I was walking, listened to an audiobook. Does anybody have any suggestions for audiobooks? Leave them down below!

Reading Goal #4

Branch out into more New Adult and Adult books. I typically stick with YA however I do read some New Adult but I can't find a ton of them that really draws to me. I would love some suggestions that you can leave down below. I would want some contemporary as well as fantasy and sci-fi!

I decided to not do a goal of how many books that I want to read, I didn't do that last year and I don't know if that would be helpful to me but I know that it motivates a lot of people! 

I hope you guys enjoyed me sharing my reading goals for 2021 and, again, definitely share in the comments below!

Thanks for reading,

Delaney M.


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