A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas Review
Hi guys,
Today I will be reviewing A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas!

I know, I know. It has been so long since I have posted anything on this blog and I apologize for that. I do however now have a review for you!
So it took me a really long time to read this book. Like a really long time. That may be due in part to the 700 pages it contains or the fact that it was so dense or that I have a lot of stuff going on in my life right now, but nevertheless I have finished and really enjoyed it!
I am not going to do an in depth review because it has literally been so long since I started reading this book that I have forgotten what I felt about the beginning. But I will have a spoiler and a non-spoiler section. So let's start off with a non-spoiler section, shall we?
I really enjoyed the majority of this book. It advanced in a way that I was pleased with and it definitely gave me a deeper understanding to the characters and had a good amount of twists and turns that made me never wanna give up on reading it. There were some points throughout this novel that were slower at times or that I was confused on (also may be due to the fact that I read it for such a long time) but I really did enjoy my time reading it. Feyre keeps that level of badassery to the max and Rhys and her's love is one of my favorites to read about. Sarah J Maas is always an artist with her work and that is why so many people find joy in her books and this was no exception. A Court of Wings and Ruin was a rollercoaster of emotions that you got unlimited rides on.
I thought that it was a nice touch to make Mor bi, leaning towards lesbian. It gave a reason to why she always sent Azriel away and although it didn't add much to the plot, it was a cool twist that Maas put in there.
I enjoyed how things turned out between Tamlin and Feyre at the end because I wouldn't have enjoyed them just hating each other for the rest of eternity and then I wouldn't be satisfied with the ending of this book.
Rhys "dying" at the end set my heart on fire. I thought that they were just going to leave it at that and the way that they brought him back, however confusing, I was truly grateful for. I do love Rhysand.
That is it for the spoilers, resume to regular programming...
MY RATING: 3.75 out of 5 stars
I really enjoyed my time reading it but it didn't completely blow me away. If this was an essay and I were the teacher grading it, I would give it like a B- to a B
Thanks for reading,
Delaney MacDonald
Today I will be reviewing A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas!

I know, I know. It has been so long since I have posted anything on this blog and I apologize for that. I do however now have a review for you!
So it took me a really long time to read this book. Like a really long time. That may be due in part to the 700 pages it contains or the fact that it was so dense or that I have a lot of stuff going on in my life right now, but nevertheless I have finished and really enjoyed it!
I am not going to do an in depth review because it has literally been so long since I started reading this book that I have forgotten what I felt about the beginning. But I will have a spoiler and a non-spoiler section. So let's start off with a non-spoiler section, shall we?
I really enjoyed the majority of this book. It advanced in a way that I was pleased with and it definitely gave me a deeper understanding to the characters and had a good amount of twists and turns that made me never wanna give up on reading it. There were some points throughout this novel that were slower at times or that I was confused on (also may be due to the fact that I read it for such a long time) but I really did enjoy my time reading it. Feyre keeps that level of badassery to the max and Rhys and her's love is one of my favorites to read about. Sarah J Maas is always an artist with her work and that is why so many people find joy in her books and this was no exception. A Court of Wings and Ruin was a rollercoaster of emotions that you got unlimited rides on.
I thought that it was a nice touch to make Mor bi, leaning towards lesbian. It gave a reason to why she always sent Azriel away and although it didn't add much to the plot, it was a cool twist that Maas put in there.
I enjoyed how things turned out between Tamlin and Feyre at the end because I wouldn't have enjoyed them just hating each other for the rest of eternity and then I wouldn't be satisfied with the ending of this book.
Rhys "dying" at the end set my heart on fire. I thought that they were just going to leave it at that and the way that they brought him back, however confusing, I was truly grateful for. I do love Rhysand.
That is it for the spoilers, resume to regular programming...
MY RATING: 3.75 out of 5 stars
I really enjoyed my time reading it but it didn't completely blow me away. If this was an essay and I were the teacher grading it, I would give it like a B- to a B
Thanks for reading,
Delaney MacDonald
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