Love and Luck by Jenna Evans Welch

Hi guys! Today I will be reviewing Love and Luck by Jenna Evans Welch. Let me start off by saying that I was definitely not disappointed by this book! After having read the first novel, I was slightly afraid that another book wouldn't live up to the first one, or that they would be too similar or something, but they weren't! They were completely different! And it was refreshing and even though it wasn't exactly what I had thought it was going to be, it was still great! I went into this book, wanting, needing that perfect summer, fluffy, contemporary book that was filled with romance. And although it wasn't exactly filled with romance and wasn't exactly fluffy all the time but I still really, really enjoyed it. The relationships between the characters were excellent and especially the brother-sister relationships that were so prominently shown throughout the entire novel were so great to read about. You don't really see that many of those kinds of...