Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman Book Review

Hi guys, It's good to be back reading and writing again. Today I'll be sharing my review for Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman, book 2 in his Arc of a Scythe series. I get it. I completely get the hype surrounding this whole series. I really, really liked Scythe and went into this book expecting to enjoy it, but I fell in love. If you have seen my previous posts you'll know that it took me a long time to read this book. Like a LONG TIME. I can give the excuses of classes and work and everything else going on in my life, but today I really took the time, sat down and just ... read. And that's what we all love to do right? I was in a very depressed state today and by the end of this book, it completely changed it around. When I say I just finished it, I mean JUST finished it. While on a video call reading date with my boyfriend, only having the ability to gasp and show him looks of shock on my face every ten pages or so, this book was a whirlwind. I spent the entirety of ...