Warcross by Marie Lu Review (Mild Spoilers)

Hi guys, Today I will be reviewing Warcross by Marie Lu! Warning, there are some mild spoilers in this upcoming review. They are not big or unexpected really, but in case you really don't want to know anything going into this book, do not continue, just drop to the bottom and see my rating of the book. Okay, so I read this over a long time, so this won't be a really in-depth review. All I'm gonna do is do some of the bullet points of what I think about the book. I really enjoyed Hideo as a character and even though I thought that the relationship between Hideo and Emika was a little too much of an "instalove" or at least it just went by too quickly, I still kinda enjoyed reading about it. The whole idea of Warcross I thought was really cool and this really is what could happen with the advancements in technology and people's increased interest in gaming. It reminded me of Ready Player One, but completely different, which I liked. I really liked...