Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson Book Review

Hi Guys, Today I will be reviewing Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson! Let me paint you a picture... I'm a junior in college and I'm depressed, alone at school because my roommates are off doing their own thing like classes and playing with a Club Penguin account they recently unearthed from the depths of childhood. So what was I supposed to do to feel better? Go to the bookstore? Yeah, that's right, I needed to find a bookstore ASAP. So I went to the most readily available bookstore with the widest range of books, Barnes & Noble. I'm walking through the store and every time I pick up a book that I like, the sadness that clouds my brain slightly dissipates. So I keep going. Then I linger around a place that I typically don't fancy to look in, the Adult section. I'm not sure if its because I'm such a young adult in my early twenties that I feel like I won't relate to the characters, or if I just think that they will be boring compared to the YA th...