Young Adult Books Released in Fall 2017

Hi guys, I know I have not posted anything really of substance in a while because school has just been so tiring and busy and crew has been so much, so today is my only free day to do anything for this blog. So without further ado, these are 10 books that came/come out this fall that I have heard a lot about. These books aren't in any real particular order, most of them are in the order of which they came out, but a few are a little out of place so... 1. Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart So for the majority of these books, I am going to put the synopsis and talk about how much I wanna read it and shit like that, but I think that when it comes to E. Lockhart books, it is best to go in blind. I really don't think that I'm going to actually end up reading this book (I know, I know, but please put down your pitchforks!) But I have heard some good things about this book so far so if you were a fan of E. Lockhart's We Were Liars, then definitely pick up this next book of...