Currently Reading

Hi guys! Today I will be sharing with you what it is that I am currently reading. Im very sorry that I have not updated in a while, but school has officially began and I am SWAMPED so life happened. I am going to try my hardest to regularly post on here though. Also if you follow me on Twitter and Instagram, I swear I will be posting soon, give me time! So the book is... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Wish Granter by CJ Redwine As you probably saw in my birthday book haul, I am very excited for this book and I am only 100 pages in because, once again, life/school happened. But so far I am really enjoying it, although not as much as The Shadow Queen by Redwine, but it is too soon to tell. Keep your eyes peeled for the review soon! Thanks for reading! Delaney M.