Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen Review

Hi guys! Today I will be reviewing Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen. Firstly, I would like to say that I am sorry to have not posted anything on here in a while. Things have been hectic and I have been in a bit of a slump. But I'm back at it again with another review! This book, although there were some things that were more emotional in it, was the perfect light and fluffy book to breeze through. This being my second Sarah Dessen book, I had expected as such based on the first one. This, I felt, was an entirely character based book. There wasn't much plot occurring, which generally happens with the romantic contemporaries because they are generally all about the characters and their relationships. With that being said, I thought that the characters were entirely well-done. Even the ones that I hated, like the father, Robert, and the mother, I still thought were constructed well. Auden, I thought was a good main character to have because you could easily how the s...